We are a certified organic farm near Ashland, Ohio which began as a small family venture in 2000.  We have grown our business through the years since. In 2003 we obtained USDA organic certification through OEFFA (the Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association) and have maintained certification up to the present.  Our goal is to provide our customers with the best quality vegetable produce grown in “living soil” that is managed with organic matter and promoting microbial (“biological”) activity.  We strictly adhere to the organic rules as set forth by the USDA-NOP (National Organic Plan). Beginning in 2025 we will no longer be selling at farmer’s markets. Going forward our primary marketing will be through Richland Gro-Op Cooperative in Mansfield, Ohio. We have decided to retire from selling at farmer’s markets after 20 years of direct-marketing. Remember that when you purchase food from smaller, local producers you are supporting your local community by keeping your food dollars in the local economy.